• HaohanHH-THC06硅烷化总烃柱工作场所空气中总烃测定总烃填充柱


     品牌:Haohan  型号:HH-THC06硅烷化总烃柱  加工定制:是  
     测量范围:ppm  测量对象:非甲烷总烃  控温范围:300 ℃ 
     尺寸:600 mm 重量:0.02 Kg 固定污染源:废气  
     甲醇:甲烷  总烃:零级空气发生器  氧化铝:*  
     总烃是指一类低沸点的碳氢化合物,在石油冶炼等工业生产中广泛应用.总烃对人体的呼吸道黏膜和皮肤有刺激损害作用.监测工业生产的总烃浓度对保护作业场所 劳动者的身体健康十分必要.以往测定工作场所空气中总烃(不包括甲烷)选择正己烷为参照物,

    浩瀚色谱(山东)应用技术开发有限公司依据HJ 604-2011《环境空气总烃的测定气相色谱法》,对总烃、氧气及标准曲线配制和绘制引入的不确定度进行了评定。结果显示,本法环境空气中总烃测定结果为(2.88+0.156)mg/m3,k=2,测定不确定度的主要来源为标准曲线的绘制对气相色谱法测定空气中总烃不确定度的贡献zui大。





    应用:HJ 604-2017 环境空气 总烃、甲烷和非甲烷总烃的测定 直接进样-气相色谱法
    HJ 604-2011 环境空气 总烃的测定 气相色谱
    GB/T 15263-1994环境空气 总烃的测定 气相色谱法





    应用:HJ 604-2017 环境空气 总烃、甲烷和非甲烷总烃的测定 直接进样-气相色谱法
    HJ 604-2011 环境空气 总烃的测定 气相色谱
    GB/T 15263-1994环境空气 总烃的测定 气相色谱法






    应用:HJ 604-2017 环境空气 总烃、甲烷和非甲烷总烃的测定 直接进样-气相色谱法
    HJ 604-2011 环境空气 总烃的测定 气相色谱
    GB/T 15263-1994环境空气 总烃的测定 气相色谱法


    Total hydrocarbons refer to a class of low-boiling hydrocarbons, which are widely used in industrial production such as petroleum smelting. Total hydrocarbons can stimulate and damage the respiratory mucosa and skin of the human body. Monitoring the concentration of total hydrocarbons in industrial production can protect workers in the workplace. It is very necessary for the health of the people. In the past, the total hydrocarbons (excluding methane) in the air of the workplace were measured by n-hexane as the reference.

    Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. based on HJ 604-2011 "Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Total Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air", evaluated the uncertainty introduced by the preparation and drawing of total hydrocarbons, oxygen and standard curves. The results show that the determination result of total hydrocarbons in ambient air by this method is (2.88+0.156) mg/m3, k=2, and the main source of determination uncertainty is the drawing of standard curve. The uncertainty of determination of total hydrocarbons in air by gas chromatography The greatest contribution.

    Name: Silanized Total Hydrocarbon Column

    Material: Passivated stainless steel tube

    Specifications: 0.6m*1/8

    Model: HH-THC06

    Application: HJ 604-2017 Ambient Air Determination of Total Hydrocarbons, Methane and Non-Methane Total Hydrocarbons Direct Injection-Gas Chromatography
    HJ 604-2011 Ambient air - Determination of total hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography
    GB/T 15263-1994 Determination of Total Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air-Gas Chromatography

    Name: Silanized Total Hydrocarbon Column

    Material: Passivated stainless steel tube

    Specifications: 0.6m*1/8

    Model: HH-THC06

    Application: HJ 604-2017 Ambient Air Determination of Total Hydrocarbons, Methane and Non-Methane Total Hydrocarbons Direct Injection-Gas Chromatography
    HJ 604-2011 Ambient air - Determination of total hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography
    GB/T 15263-1994 Determination of Total Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air-Gas Chromatography

    Name: Silanized Total Hydrocarbon Column

    Material: Passivated stainless steel tube

    Specifications: 0.6m*1/8

    Model: HH-THC06

    Application: HJ 604-2017 Ambient Air Determination of Total Hydrocarbons, Methane and Non-Methane Total Hydrocarbons Direct Injection-Gas Chromatography
    HJ 604-2011 Ambient air - Determination of total hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography
    GB/T 15263-1994 Determination of Total Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air-Gas Chromatography
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