本标准规定了消费品材料中二氯甲烷、正己烷、苯、三氯乙烯、甲苯、乙苯间-二甲苯、对-二甲苯、邻-二甲苯、环己酮、1,3,5-三甲苯、 硝基苯、异佛尔酮13种可挥发性有机物(以下简称13种可挥发性有机物)含量的静态顶空进样测定方法,包括气相色谱/质谱联用法和气相色谱法。
固定相:6 %腈丙基苯基 94 %二甲基聚硅氧烷,
型号:HH-624 UI
应用:GB/T 39107-2020 消费品中可挥发性有机物含量的测定 静态顶空进样法
This standard specifies the content of methylene chloride, n-hexane, benzene, trichloroethylene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m-xylene, p-xylene, o-xylene, cyclohexanone, 1,3,5-tri-xylene in consumer product materials. Static headspace sampling method for determination of 13 volatile organic compounds (hereinafter referred to as 13 volatile organic compounds) content of toluene, nitrobenzene and isophorone, including gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and gas chromatography.
This standard applies to all kinds of consumer goods materials containing 13 kinds of volatile organic compounds, such as wood, foam materials, coatings, adhesives, inks, etc.
Name: capillary column
Stationary phase: 6% nitrile propylphenyl 94% dimethylpolysiloxane,
Specifications: 60m*0.25mm*1.4um
Model: HH-624 UI
Application: GB/T 39107-2020 Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Consumer Products Static Headspace Sampling