| 品牌:浩瀚 | | 型号:50m*0.32mm*1.0um | | 加工定制:是 | |
| 测量范围:ppm | | 测量对象:0胶黏剂,涂改制品中苯 | | 控温范围:300 ℃ | |
| 尺寸:50000 mm | | 重量:0.02 Kg | | GB21027-2020:0胶黏剂,涂改制品中苯 | |
| 碳氢化合物:非甲烷总烃 | | 石墨化碳黑:零级空气发生器 | | 氧化铝:液化石油气 | |
| 氨水:玻璃球填充柱 | | | | | |
GB 21027-2020《学生用品的安全通用要求》
2020年7月23日,国家市场监督管理总局、国家标准委批准发布了GB 21027-2020《学生用品的安全通用要求》标准,经过近一年半的过渡期后,该标准已于2022年2月1日起正式实施。该标准相较于已实施10多年的GB 21027-2007,进行了大幅度地修改,与欧盟、美国等更严格的法规要求接轨,进一步提高学生用品的安全性。
应用:GB 21027-2020《学生用品的安全通用要求》
GB 21027-2020 "General Requirements for the Safety of Student Supplies"
On July 23, 2020, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the National Standards Committee approved the release of the GB 21027-2020 "General Requirements for the Safety of Student Supplies". It will come into effect on the 1st of the month. Compared with GB 21027-2007, which has been implemented for more than 10 years, the standard has been greatly revised, and it is in line with the stricter regulatory requirements of the European Union and the United States, and further improves the safety of student supplies.
Name: HH-1 capillary column
Specifications: 50m*0.32mm*1.0um
Maximum use temperature: 300°C
No.: 20210422006
Application: GB 21027-2020 "General Requirements for the Safety of Student Supplies"