• 浩瀚2010版药典麝香酮测定2%OV-17填充柱2m*3mm


     品牌:浩瀚  型号:2m*3mm  加工定制:是  
     规格:2m*3mm  长度:2000  内径:2  
     膜厚:2.0  药典:麝香酮  OV-17:氧化亚氮  
     有机磷:固定污染源废气  碳氢化合物:一氧化碳  3%Dexil-300/Chromosorb W AW D:非甲烷总烃  
    麝香酮(Muscone)是一种有机化合物,分子式C16H30O,分子量238.42。是从麝科动物林麝Moschus berezovskii Flerov或原麝Moschus moschiferus L成熟雄体香囊中的干燥分泌物麝香经蒸馏提取得到的活性成分之一,学名为3-甲基十五烷酮,是麝香的主要香味成分。微黄色油状液体,有特殊香味。极微溶于水,能与乙醇混溶。动物实验证明本品具有扩张冠状动脉及增加冠脉血流量的作用,对心绞痛有一定疗效。一般于用药(舌下含服、气雾吸入)后5分钟内见效,缓解心绞痛的功效与硝酸甘油略相近似 



    Musk is an organic compound with the molecular formula C16H30O and a molecular weight of 238.42. It is one of the active ingredients extracted from the dried secretion of musk in the mature male sachet of Moschus berezovskii Flerov or Moschus moschiferus L, a member of the musk family, through distillation. Its scientific name is 3-methylpentadecanone, and it is the main fragrance component of musk. A slightly yellow oily liquid with a special aroma. Very slightly soluble in water and miscible with ethanol. Animal experiments have shown that this product has the effect of dilating coronary arteries and increasing coronary blood flow, and has a certain therapeutic effect on angina pectoris. Generally, it takes effect within 5 minutes after medication (sublingual administration, inhalation by gas mist), and its effect on relieving angina is slightly similar to that of nitroglycerin.
    Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. used a 2% OV-17 packed column to determine the content of pharmacopoeia muscone, and quantified it using an external standard method with satisfactory results.
    Name: Filler Column
    Fixed phase: 50% phenyl methyl polysiloxane
    Specification: 2m * 3mm
    Model: 2% OV-17/CWA
    Application: Pharmacopeia Musk Ketone Analysis
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