• haohan玻璃微球复合填充柱分析测定作业场所车间空气中溶剂汽油2m*1/8


     品牌:haohan  型号:2m*1/8  加工定制:是  
     测量范围:ppm  测量对象:测定作业场所空气中溶剂汽油  控温范围:300 ℃ 
     尺寸:2000 mm 重量:0.002 Kg 玻璃微球:作业场所空气中溶剂汽油  
     液化气:二甲醚  芝麻香白酒:3-甲硫基丙醇  变压器油:多氯联苯  
     脂肪酸甲酯:FAMES  MTBE:TENAX-TA   

        随着工业的增长与发展 ,许多种类的有机溶剂如溶剂汽油、芳香烃、酯类广泛应用 ,工厂作业岗位职业接触多种有机危害物很普遍 ,这种情况下 ,存在的健康与安全问题越来越突出。为了评价职业接触有害毒物的健康危害水平及进行职业病诊断 ,毒物的分析特别重要。



    With the growth and development of industry, many types of organic solvents such as solvent gasoline, aromatic hydrocarbons, and esters are widely used. Occupational exposure to various organic hazards is common in factory operations, and the health and safety issues that exist in this situation are becoming increasingly prominent. In order to evaluate the health hazards of occupational exposure to harmful toxins and diagnose occupational diseases, the analysis of toxins is particularly important.

    Haohan Chromatography Co., Ltd. has developed an HH glass microsphere composite packed column for the determination of residual solvent gasoline in the air of workplaces, with satisfactory results. Welcome to purchase.

    Introduction to HH glass microsphere filled columns:

    Glass microspheres are widely used in fields such as plastics, coatings, * * *, and lightweight materials due to their low density, easy dispersion, high mechanical strength, good water resistance, chemical inertness, and smooth surface.

    Glass microsphere support

    40-60 mesh, used for polar, high boiling point sample analysis

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